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“Revival simply moves God’s people to become fully New Testament in theory and practice. The old cliché has it correct: Many of our churches are so scripturally subnormal that when they experience the biblically normal, they think it is abnormal and call it ‘revival’.”

~ Lewis Drummond

“There has never been a revival in a post-Christian secular society. But every great new thing is unprecedented until it happens. Jesus said-I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. There’s no reason to believe this promise has an expiration date.”

~ Timothy Keller (1950-2023)

“The New Testament prayer meeting reveals the master plan of Jesus. The last thing Jesus did on earth was to build that prayer meeting, and it is the only thing He left behind on planet Earth when He ascended to heaven.”

~ Everything by PrayerFred Hartley, page 13

“…there has never been a spiritual revival which did not begin with an acute sense of sin. We are never prepared for a spiritual advance until we see the necessity of getting rid of that which has been hindering it, and that, in the sight of God, is sin.”

~ Dr. W. Graham Scroggie

A church is never more like the New Testament church than when it is praying.

A dynamic praying church must be built from the inside out, employing all four levels of prayer: the secret closet, the family altar, small group praying and finally, the congregational setting.

~ Developing your Secret Closet of Prayer, Richard Burr, p 19.

Tribalism: Forming Identity in Relationships

June 22, 2023 Article   –   10min read

You choose your own identity.

That phrase is familiar to us all. In our culture, the concept that every person is able to choose their own identity has rapidly grown in popularity, despite being hotly contested by many. Most controversial is whether or not people are able to choose and change their gender identity.

Choosing one’s identity is a part of a larger trend of “living your own truth.” Choosing your own identity, particularly that part which is biologically determined, is not just a question of personal preference or personal belief; it brings into question the nature of Truth itself. While this truth-questioning may seem to be a radical departure from Western tradition and its foundational Judeo-Christian values, today’s identity crisis did not come out of nowhere. In fact, today’s cultural view is part of a long history of Western individualism that has naturally led to the current crisis of identity.

In philosophy, psychology, politics, and literature, Western thought and culture have been strongly individualistic for hundreds of years. In contrast to Eastern societies and earlier Western societies, the modern West’s conception of personhood is radically individualistic. This basic cultural and philosophical orientation is what has created fertile soil for current views on identity to arise.

The modern West’s conception of personhood is radically individualistic

~ For the rest of the post…

“Revival begins by Christians getting right first and then spills over into the world.”

~ Charles Spurgeon

“When revival comes, an intense spirit of conviction will be felt immediately. Conduct that has always seemed acceptable will appear unbelievably wicked. Prejudices that have characterized professing Christians for decades will be revealed for the grievous sins they really are. Private indulgences upon which a person has looked with favor for will suddenly seem to merit all the wrath of God poured out forever. Prayerlessness, ignorance of Scripture, sins of omission, and failure in good works will not longer be defended by a myriad of excuses, but will laid open before the God ‘with whom we have to do.'”

Revival by Richard Owen Roberts, 23

May 2024


