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“When revival comes, an intense spirit of conviction will be felt immediately. Conduct that has always seemed acceptable will appear unbelievably wicked. Prejudices that have characterized professing Christians for decades will be revealed for the grievous sins they really are. Private indulgences upon which a person has looked with favor for will suddenly seem to merit all the wrath of God poured out forever. Prayerlessness, ignorance of Scripture, sins of omission, and failure in good works will not longer be defended by a myriad of excuses, but will laid open before the God ‘with whom we have to do.'”

Revival by Richard Owen Roberts, 23

“True revival cannot be confined by state lines, national boundaries, economic class systems, facial characteristics, skin coloring, educational distinctions, social status, or denominational preferences. Wherever God is, true revival can occur. When God speaks, the whole earth can hear.”

Revival by Richard Owen Roberts, 21.

“…revival is extraordinary. How long has it been since the world has experienced a general spiritual awakening? The majority of persons living in the western world would have to admit they have never seen revival. America itself has not known a general revival for more than a 100 years. Revivals have become so scarce that much Pentecost of the Church is hardly aware of their absence. When an entire generation of Christians can live and die without ever having come close to a genuine revival, such a moment of God is extraordinary indeed!”

Revival by Richard Owen Roberts, 21.

“Can you imagine the entire Body of Christ moving throughout the earth with unified purpose and Holy Spirit power? If that concept is too vast for your mind, think in terms in terms of your own community. Consider every church in your community with every church member marching together in perfect harmony–every individual sharing precisely with every other individual the heartbeat of Jesus Christ. Imagine not one sleeping Christian left, not one backslidden believer remaining, but all alike devout and intent on seeing the will of Jesus Christ accomplished. To this startling picture add the same power of the Holy Spirit that transformed bumbling Peter into a Pentecost preacher. Unleash all this transforming power against the forces of sin and evil in your community.

This is what revival is.”

Revival by Richard Owen Roberts, 20.

Let us pray to this end!

“Despite the tremendous amount of activity found in religious circles today, there is a very real sense in which the Church itself is like a sleeping giant. All the good that the Church is accomplishing throughout the world is nothing in comparison with the good that needs to be accomplished. The flurry of activity, so typical of evangelicalism, has still to awaken the sleeping giant.

An increase in human endeavor may produce good fruit, but the great need is to revive that giant. Only God can accomplish this. When revival comes, the giant will not only stir and awaken, but also move with dynamic power”.

Revival by Richard Owen Roberts, 20.

“If we persist in describing human efforts and continue to think in terms of ‘annual revival meetings,’ believing that the good work we are doing for God is revival, then we must content ourselves with far less than God is willing and able to give. If, on the other hand, we can realize that revival is truly God at work in a most unusual fashion, then our entire being can be stirred with longings and supplications to see just such an outpouring of God’s mighty power in our own day”.

Revival by Richard Owen Roberts, 19.

Amen! May revival come. Please send it, Heavenly Father!

“…revival is not the ordinary result of ordinary work. Revival is always extraordinary.”

Revival by Richard Owen Roberts, 18.

Revival is the …

“extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results.”

Revival by Richard Owen Roberts, 16-17.

“When prayers and strong pleas for revival are made to God both day and night: when the children of God
find that they can no longer tolerate the absence of revival blessings; when extraordinary seeking of an
extraordinary outpouring becomes extraordinarily earnest; and when the burden of prayer becomes almost
unbearable, then let praying hearts take courage, for the Spirit of God, who is the spirit of revival has
brought his people to this place for a purpose.”

~ Richard Owen Roberts

“Revival is an extraordinary movement of the Holy Spirit producing extraordinary results.”

~ Richard Owen Roberts, Revival, 16-17.

May 2024


